Happy Christmas and a Joyful New Year

Christmas1.jpgAs The Priory Rooms team wrap up another successful year, they look back at the many exciting events which made 2013 such a memorable and enjoyable year!

In January we recruited Beth as our Business Development Manager, to build relationships with new and existing customers through actively marketing our services and facilities to a wide and varied audience.

February saw Birmingham City Council’s Sustainability, Transportation & Partnerships Department launch the install of two electric vehicle charging stations in our car park, one of the many environmentally friendly initiatives put in place this year.

Any of our delegates who travel by an electric vehicle can fuel up for free!
In March we promoted the Social Enterprise West Midlands campaign “Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is” making the public and private sector aware of the outstanding and value-for-money catering and hospitality services provided by the third sector.

During April we raised awareness of the Royal Agricultural and Benevolent Institution by supporting Great British Beef Week. Our lunch buffets served a variety of beef classics using only British beef and local produce.

We launched our new breakfast menu in May, designed to leave delegates focused and proactive for a busy day of meetings ahead! Enjoy our warm danishes and pastries, fresh fruit, cereal bars, selection of bran cereals and individual porridge pots whilst getting your vital vitamins and minerals!

In June we partnered with Dalton Street, Londonderry NCP to offer our delegates 24 hour car parking for only £5.00 in the safe and secure NCP which is only ten minutes walk away.

We surpassed all expectations in July, raising an incredible £235 for Birmingham Children’s Hospital by taking part in “Big Bandage Day”. The team was covered head-to-toe in customised bandages as delegates donated to the worthy cause.
August saw The Priory Rooms donate over £5,000 to Central England Quakers, from last years profits, helping to support their local charity projects. At the venue we installed Ethernet internet access in our Sturge Room for the most reliable connection for online exams and training courses.

In September we hosted our most successful MacMillan Cancer Care coffee morning to date as a total of £121 was raised for the charity. Home-made cakes with our freshly-filtered coffee brought the highest ever turnout to the event.
SE Mentor brought “Mentor on the Move” to our Atrium this October. The Halloween themed networking event brought local social enterprises together to share advice and build contacts, whilst enjoying “spine-chillingly sustainable” coffee and “cauldron-cooked” cakes.

We welcomed the Birmingham Lord Mayor in November, who proudly gave children of The Braidwood Trust School for Deaf their trophies at the annual award ceremony held in our Main Meeting House. We also hosted Balfour Beatty’s milestone press call; the local media watched the latest 3D presentation of the Midland Metro extension then witnessed the first tracks being laid right outside our venue.

And to wrap up the year, in December we gave all of our customers an early Christmas gift of 30% discount off our standard rates, plus free mince pies served with their afternoon refreshments.

We would like to thank our customers for making 2013 such a wonderful year.

We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!